The equipment and techniques used in my photography are rather simple and low-tech compared to many modern photographers. I prefer to use old mechanical film cameras, but also use digital photography. I use all sizes of film format, although I favor the usurpassed image quality of medium and large format over 35 millimeter.
My cameras range from the from the familiar 35mm SLRs, medium format TLRs, rangefinders and SLRs, and 4×5 large format view cameras. I also love experimenting with the dreamy, impressionistic images created by the cheap plastic Holga cameras. I’ll use any equipment that inspires creativity. Similarly, my tastes in photographic canvases are just as varied. I will choose how I would like to see the image, (traditional black and white, infrared black and white, or color) depending upon the subject matter, the light, composition and mood.
My approach to photography is very contemplative, deliberate and slow-paced. Luckily for me, my preferred landscape subject matter is very patient while I work to get everything figured out. But ultimately photography is mostly an excuse for me to surround myself in, and be humbled by the beauty of this planet. Hopefully my chosen photographic techniques are able to capture some of these experiences.